

  • 100% owned by Trifecta Gold.
  • Located midway between Newmont’s Coffee Deposit and Rockhaven Resources’ Klaza Deposit.
  • Prospecting has located zones of brecciated hydrothermal quartz with assays including 1.51 g/t, 2.15 g/t and 14.15 g/t gold.

The Treble property is located midway between Western Copper and Gold’s Casino Deposit, the largest copper and gold deposit in the Yukon, and Rockhaven Resources’ Klaza Deposit, a high-grade gold-silver deposit. The property is underlain by Snowcap Assemblage metasiliciclastic rocks and Sulphur Creek Suite augen granite. This package is intruded by plutons of Whitehorse Suite granitic rock. These units are intruded by dykes of east-west trending, Late Cretaceous Casino Suite granitoids. The geological setting at Treble closely resembles that of Newmont’s Coffee Deposit, which lies 65 km to the northwest.

In 2022, Trifecta conducted a detailed mapping and prospecting program within three zones of anomalous soil geochemistry on the property. (see news release dated November 21, 2022)

Anomaly A, in the eastern part of the property, is marked by elevated soil response over a 2200 m by 800 m area, up to 502 ppb gold, 810 ppm arsenic and 346 ppm copper. This anomaly coincides with a magnetic high that is spatially associated with the Casino Suite dyke. To date, limited prospecting within Anomaly A has identified a 100 by 120 m zone of breccia float which appears to be oriented sub-parallel to a geological contact between quartzite and gneiss in an area cut by a large porphyry dyke. In 2022 a 6 m trench dug up-slope of a 2011 grab sample of hydrothermal breccia that returned 14.15 g/t gold exposed sub-outcrop of brecciated, silicified and altered schist. A continuous chip sample averaged 0.453 g/t gold over 6 m, including 1.505 g/t gold over 1.0 m.

Anomaly B, in the western part of the property, is underlain by Whitehorse Suite plutonic rock that has been intruded by a nearby Casino Suite dyke. The 700 m by 500 m geochemical signature for Anomaly B includes moderately to strongly anomalous gold (up to 391 ppb), copper (up to 219 ppm) and lead (up to 401 ppm).

Anomaly C, in the central part of the property, hosts a 600 m x 500 m area with elevated soil response for gold, arseni and copper. This anomaly lies within a 3- by 4-kilometre zone of argillic alteration hosting disseminated tourmaline. Infill soil sampling during 2022 at Anomaly C returned values up to 880 ppb gold. A prospecting pit dug near this peak soil value discovered strongly oxidized material grading 2.15 g/t gold, 20.3 g/silver, and above detection limit (>10,000 ppm) arsenic (see below photo)

Anomaly D near the western side of the property exhibits strongly anomalous copper and gold values (up to 301 ppm Cu and 156 ppb Au) over a 1,200 by 1,300 m area. The geophysical response in this area is similar to hydrothermally altered and mineralized Late Cretaceous granitic intrusions elsewhere in the Dawson Range Gold Belt.

The geophysical and geochemical anomalies, coupled with mapped outcrops and mineralized rock samples at surface suggest evidence for a large hydrothermal system related to Late Cretaceous granitic intrusions.


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